The Fabulous Leslie Erin Bohlen and John Dotts Hagan Wedding

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This page contains links and information we've found useful and collected here for your convenience.

Links and Documents

John Bradley's incredible saga of the wedding trip in which he chronicals the trip and events leading up to, during, and after our wedding. In addition to his witty writing, he posted rolls and rolls of photographs for our enjoyment. Someone stop him before he documents again...

Getting To, Entering, and Subsequently
Leaving Las Vegas

A Thrilling Tale of Rock Climbing, Pickled Wieners, and Caffeinated Beverages


How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The BMW

Below is a copy of the invitation:

Below is a map showing the exact location of the Treasure Island at the Mirage Hotel where we were married:

If you want to get your own map information, try Maps On Us yourself!

The wedding took place at the Wedding Chapel in the hotel:

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Last updated: October 07, 2000.